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Christopher joined our team in February 2023 as the third piece of the rapidly growing “Chris Alliance” that is slowly growing within the Step Fwd IT ranks. With a strong background in Education IT – Chris has slotted in seamlessly with the rest of our team at Salesian College.

With over 20 years of experience in the IT & Education space, Chris has held roles as an ICT Systems Administrator & Leader at St Michael’s Grammar School and Mentone Girls Grammar School. From a technical standpoint, he is certified as an MCSA in Windows Server Technology & Systems Admin for JAMF, has a Diploma in Computer Games Development, has vast experience in a multitude of scripting areas, and is very well versed in Adobe & Autodesk products too. In short, there are a lot of strings to Chris’ bow.

When it comes to time outside of office hours, Chris likes tinkering with Retro Arcade computer hardware and game consoles, even going so far to develop his own video games. But occasionally he likes to keep it a bit more simple – delving into a good old fashion LEGO set!