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Disaster Recovery Readiness: The Australian Government Commits $101.6 Million to Strengthen Cybersecurity

Disaster Recovery Readiness:
The Australian Government Commits $101.6 Million to Strengthen Cybersecurity

In the digital age, the threat of cyber attacks is constantly looming, and businesses must ensure their disaster recovery readiness is up to par to protect themselves from potential disasters. That’s why the Australian Federal Government’s recent budget announcement, which included a commitment of $101.6 million over five years to strengthen cybersecurity across the nation, is a welcome development.

The government’s commitment includes $23.4 million over three years for a program to train “in-house cyber wardens” to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) thwart cyber attacks. The idea behind this initiative is to equip SMEs with the necessary knowledge and skills to safeguard their businesses against cyber threats. These in-house cyber wardens will act as a point of contact for SMEs to seek advice and guidance on cybersecurity issues.

Furthermore, $19.5 million has been earmarked to help protect critical infrastructure from hackers. This move comes in the wake of an increasing number of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, such as the cyber attack on Australian logistics and transport company Toll Group in 2020. The funds will be used to develop and implement strategies to protect these crucial systems and ensure that they are not compromised by hackers.

How does this help Australian SME's?

The government’s commitment to strengthening cybersecurity is a positive development for businesses, particularly SMEs, which are often more vulnerable to cyber attacks. Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and businesses must remain vigilant and proactive in their efforts to safeguard their assets and data. With the government’s support, businesses can now better equip themselves to face these challenges and be better prepared for any potential disasters.

But even with the government’s support, businesses must also do their part in ensuring their disaster recovery readiness is up to par. Disaster recovery readiness refers to the ability of a business to quickly recover and resume normal operations following a disaster or crisis. In the case of cyber attacks, this involves having a plan in place to restore data and systems in the event of a breach.

Businesses should prioritise disaster recovery readiness as part of their overall cybersecurity strategy. This involves regularly reviewing and testing their disaster recovery plans to ensure they are effective and up to date. Businesses should also consider investing in cybersecurity insurance to help mitigate the financial impact of a cyber attack.

Step Fwd IT support this Cybersecurity Stance!

In conclusion, the Australian Federal Government’s commitment of $101.6 million over five years to strengthen cybersecurity across the nation is a positive step forward in protecting businesses against cyber threats. The funds allocated to train in-house cyber wardens and protect critical infrastructure will help SMEs and other businesses better prepare themselves for potential disasters. However, businesses must also take responsibility for their disaster recovery readiness and ensure that they are adequately prepared to face any potential cyber attacks. With the right measures in place, businesses can mitigate the risks of cyber attacks and ensure they are able to quickly recover and resume normal operations in the event of a disaster.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help improve your SME’s cybersecurity if the government’s help isn’t helping you enough. 

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